International Mass Spectrometry School in Cagliari, Italy from Sept 17-22 2023
This is a wonderful opportunity for students and postdoctoral researchers to learn the...
Early bird price!
Do not hesitate to register to theNordic MS meeting 2023 . Information about this and prices you...
Nordic MS Meeting 2023 in a Special Issue in Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Mass Spectrometry in collaborations with conference organizers have agreed to create a...
Wintermeeting 2023 together with our Swedish colleagues: Nordic MS meeting in Vestlia Resort in Geilo.
In early autumn, NSMS was contacted by its Swedish colleagues (SSMS) with a request to conduct the...
On-line HDX-MS seminar
HDX-MS expert Kasper Rand invites to a series of online Seminars in HDX-MS. The following themes...
Kick off seminar for the national Network of Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure (NAPI)
Are you interested in learning about proteomics/mass spectrometry-based research possibilities in...
General assembly NSMS
The NSMS general assembly generalforsamlingen will be held on January 26th on Zoom. We will start...
Welcome to NSMS’ digital Wintermeeting 25.01.2021
NSMS goes digital! NSMS is happy to invite you to the first digital norwegian seminar in mass...
NSMS goes digital!
NSMS goes digital! This time NSMS sends you only a short letter. Because of the uncertainty the...
News letter June 2020
NSMS_NYHETSBREV_JUN2020_englishLast ned The latest news letter is out. Read about our new home...
Hafjell 2021 – Organizing committee
The planning of the Hafjell meeting 2021 is already underway and we are planning on a great...
The election committee have gained a new member!
After many years on the election committee, we want to thank Åsmund Larsen for his brilliant...
Welcome to our new home page
We are happy to introduce our new home page. Most of the content is the same as before, but the...
NSMS_NYHETSBREV_SEP2019 Newsletter for September 2019 is now available, unfortunately it is only...
New NSMS Logo
Our logo has also been renewed. It has been customized so it looks good using computers, tablets,...