Sign up

Would you like to be a member? Fill out the form and send the information to NSMS.

Norwegian Society for Masspectrometry  aims to strengthen the professional environment in mass spectrometry in Norway, among other things by arranging meetings and by contributing to creating professional contact and cooperation, nationally and internationally.

Confirmation of received registration will be sent by mail together with information on payment of membership fees.

NB! All fields marked with * must be completed.

The membership fee is NOK 200 for two years – invoiced every other year to:

Konto nr 0539 16 08808
or using VIPPS #18906 – Norsk selskap for Massespektroskopi

NSMS c/o Åse Marit Leere Øiestad
Postboks 4404 Nydalen
0403 Oslo 986 570 128
IBAN NO24 0539 1608 808