Statutes of the Society

Adopted with amendments by the Annual General Meeting on the 23rd of January 2007.

§ 1 – Aims
The aims of The Norwegian Society for Mass Spectrometry are to strengthen the academic environment within mass spectroscopy in Norway by, amongst other measures, arranging meetings and contributing to the development of professional contacts and cooperation nationally and internationally.

§ 2 – Membership
Membership of The Norwegian Society for Mass Spectrometry can be gained by anyone with an interest in mass spectroscopy. Membership comes into effect with the payment of the first annual membership fee and lapses two years after the most recent annual payment once the member has been alerted to this in writing. Resignation from the Society must be submitted in writing; membership being terminated on the 31st of December in the year concerned. Every member has a responsibility to support the Society’s work according to the best of their ability. In the event that a member’s actions are in conflict with this requirement, the governing body of the Society may request that the person concerned resign from the Society. Actual expulsion of a member may only be undertaken by the General Meeting of the Society, the member concerned forfeiting any and all claims against the Society or its funds. 

§ 3 – Organisation

1). The governing body
The committee consists of a chairman, a treasurer, three other members and one reserve member in order to ensure that the 4 regions of the Society are represented. The chairman is elected first and thereafter the rest of the committee. Membership of the committee last for 4 years (two periods) such that only 2 members stand for election on any one occasion whilst the chairman is elected for no more than 2 years at a time.
The committee is chosen by the General Assembly by means of a straight forward majority for four years at a time. The committee itself chooses in what manner it undertakes its tasks.

2). General Assembly
The Ordinary General Assembly is held at least once every two years. The committee summons the general assembly in writing with at least three weeks warning. Together with the notification of the summoning of the general assembly the committee will also send any new nominations for membership of the committee (or possible reelection) and the agenda for the meeting.
Matters which members wish to be dealt with by the General Assembly as well as nominations for membership of the committee must be in the hands of the committee at least fourteen days before the date of the Assembly. Candidates for election can only be nominated if they are willing to accept election. Only members have the right to vote in the Assembly. Absent members can give written authority to another member to vote on their behalf. Resolutions at the General Assembly are normally determined by a simple majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tied ballot the result is determined by chairman exercising his casting vote. Card votes shall be used where the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacancies or where at least one member presents calls for a card vote. 
In special cases the Committee may decide that a resolution will be determined by means of a postal ballot of all members.
The General Assembly shall:

  1. Approve the agenda
  2. Deal with the Committee’s annual report
  3. Approve the audited accounts
  4. Elect the committee’s members
  5. Elect an auditor
  6. Elect someone to organise international contacts
  7. Elect the election committee
  8. Set the membership fee
  9. Deal with any other business arising

An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called by the Committee or in the event of at least one third of the membership demanding such a meeting in writing.

3) The Committee’s work
The committee shall summon at least one meeting of the membership at least every other year with at least three week’s warning.
The committee shall send to all members a written summary of those measures determined by the ordinary or the extraordinary general assembly as well as other information the committee believe to be necessary.

§ 4 – Dissolution.
A motion to dissolve The Norwegian Society for Mass Spectrometry can only be passed at The General Assembly and requires that at least two thirds of the membership vote in favour of dissolution.
Proposals for dissolution must be sent to the members at least 2 months before the ballot is to be held. The same General Assembly determines how any residual funds of the Society are to be dealt with.

§ 5 – Changes to the ordinances.
Changes to the ordinances require a two thirds majority of all votes cast and can only be dealt at the Generals Assembly.